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          Founded in 1984, China Development Bank Financial Leasing Co., Ltd., a national non-banking financial institution regulated by the NFRA, is the only leasing business platform under China Development Bank and the first listed financial leasing company in China, with a registered capital of RMB12.64238 billion. The Company is a pioneer in the leasing industry in the PRC. The Company is dedicated to providing comprehensive leasing services to high-quality customers in fields including aircraft, shipping, regional development, inclusive finance, green energy and high-end equipment manufacturing, with leasing assets and business partners reaching throughout over 40 countries and regions all over the world, and consistently maintains quasi-sovereign international ratings, namely A1 by Moodys, A by Standard & Poors and A+ by Fitch. Since its listing in 2016, The Companys scale of assets have continued to grow and profitability has steadily improved, the non-performing asset ratio has maintained at 1% or below, and the average return on equity (ROE) has maintained over 10%.

          The Company proactively fulfills its responsibilities as a state-owned financial enterprise, adheres to the basic requirement of financial sector serving the real economy, and continuously contributes to the high-quality development. The Company was the first leasing company to promote the marketization and international operation of aviation leasing in China and set up its first professional overseas aviation subsidiary, ranking Top 11 in the world in terms of the value of its active fleet. The asset quality, profitability and professional management of the ship leasing business are at the leading position in the industry. The regional development leasing business focuses on major regional development strategies of the State, and continuously improves the regional financial service efficiency to better assist the high-quality development of the regional economy. The green energy and high-end equipment leasing business proactively serves the national dual carbon goal, promotes the green transformation of energy and optimization of structure and assists the development of advanced manufacturing and strategic emerging industries. The inclusive finance business proactively responds to the call of the country by fulfilling its social responsibility and providing the support to facilitate medium, small and micro customers, promoting the deep development of construction machinery and vehicle leasing business.

          The Company firmly follows the path of financial development with Chinese characteristics, closely adheres to the origin of leasing, focuses on the five major areas of finance, and continues to inject financial momentum into the development of new quality productive forces. With the gradual establishment of a modern industrial system in China, The Company has always insisted on the strategic positioning of marketization, professionalization, internationalization and digitization, continued to promote product and business transformation and innovation, continuously improved corporate governance, improved its professional service capability and formed a business development model with obvious core competitive advantages and outstanding sustainable development capabilities. In the future, The Company will continue to promote effective improvement in quality and reasonable growth in quantity, maintain steady development and industry-leading advantages, and continue to build a world-class financial leasing company.

          Business Scope
          Our asset size exceeded RMB400 billion, maintaining its leading position in the domestic industry.  


          Consolidation of the functions of internal control-related departments to establish the Internal Control and Compliance Department; establishment of Innovation Management Department



          The Company integrated financial technology resources to set up a technology leasing division.



          The Company pioneered in digital transformation in the industry. Total assets exceeded RMB300 billion; it established the development strategy of “market-oriented, professional, internationalized and digitalized operation”; the technology leasing division was established.



          The Company established three divisions of inclusive finance, new energy & equipment and ship leasing.



          The Company moved into the newly built office building “CDB Finance Center”.



          Listed on the Main Board of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange as the first listed financial leasing company in the PRC(Stock code: 1606.HK).

          Establishment of CDB Aviation Lease Finance Designated Activity Company (“CDB Aviation”), the first aviation specialty subsidiary established overseas with approval from the former CBIRC.



          The Company was reorganized into a joint stock company with limited liability, and renamed China Development Bank Financial Leasing CO., Ltd.



          The Company completed the purchase of 130 mainstream narrow-body aircrafts from Boeing and Airbus, and received from Moody’s and Fitch international credit ratings that were the same as China’s sovereign ratings.



          China Development Bank became the controlling shareholder of the Company with approval from the former CBIRC. The Company was renamed as China Development Bank Financial Leasing Company Limited, which was then the largest leasing company in terms of registered capital in the PRC.



          The Company obtained approval from the People’s Bank of China to conduct financial business.



          The predecessor, Shenzhen Leasing Company Limited, was established.


          • 2023
          • 2022
          • 2021
          • 2020
          • 2019
          • 2018
          • 2016
          • 2015
          • 2014
          • 2008
          • 1994
          • 1984
          Corporate Governance

          Shareholders' general meeting

          Shareholders' general meeting is the organ of the authority of the Company comprising all Shareholders. The Shareholders' general meeting is responsible for deciding on the operational policies, strategic development plans and investment plans of the Company; electing and replacing Directors (being not employee representative) and deciding on matters concerning their remuneration...

          Shareholders' general meeting

          Board of directors

          The Board of Directors shall exercise the following functions and powers according to law:

          (1)To be responsible for convening the general meeting of shareholders and reporting the work to the general meeting of shareholders;

          (2)To implement the resolutions of the shareholders' general meeting;


          Board of directors

          Supervisors composition

          The company has a board of supervisors, which is the supervisory body of the company, which is responsible to the general meeting of shareholders, and supervises the company's finance, the directors and the president to prevent them from abusing their power and infringing upon the shareholders' rights and interests.

          Supervisors composition

          Senior management

          Senior management

          Senior management

          Corporate governance system

          Articles of association

          Rules of Audit Board

          Working Rules of Nominating Board

          Corporate governance system

          Main Honor
          Credit Rating

          The Company has obtained international quasi-sovereign credit ratings assigned by Fitch, Standard & Poor’s and Moody’s and maintained the highest credit ratings in the Chinese leasing industry. It is also one of the most creditworthy leasing companies in the world. These credit ratings help the Company further enrich the financing channels.

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