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          首頁 > ABOUT > Organization

          Shareholders' general meeting

          Shareholders' general meeting is the organ of the authority of the Company comprising all Shareholders. The Shareholders' general meeting is responsible for deciding on the operational policies, strategic development plans and investment plans of the Company; electing and replacing Directors (being not employee representative) and deciding on matters concerning their remuneration; electing and replacing Supervisors (being not employee representative), and deciding on matters concerning their remuneration; considering and approving reports of the Board and the Board of Supervisors; considering and approving the Company's annual financial budget, final account proposals, profit distribution proposals, loss recovery proposals and share incentive plans; adopting resolutions concerning the increase or reduction of registered capital, merger, division, dissolution, liquidation or change of corporate form, annual plans for issuance of corporate bonds, the engagement, dismissal or non-reappointment of accounting firms and amendment to the Articles of Association; examining the material equity investment, bond investment, asset acquisition, asset disposal, write off of assets and external guarantee that shall be approved by the Shareholders' general meeting as stipulated by laws, regulations and relevant regulations of the listing rules of the place where the Shares are listed; considering external donation of over RMB8 million; considering proposals raised by the Shareholders who hold more than five percent (including 5%) of the voting Shares; considering other matters that shall be decided by the Shareholders' general meetings according to laws, administrative regulations, listing rules of the place where the Shares are listed and the Articles of Association.

          Board of directors
          Chairman's Message

          Thank you for your support and attention to CDB Leasing! In 2023, the Group actively responded to changes in the internal and external situations, adhered to the general principle of seeking progress while maintaining stability, and coordinated efforts to stabilize growth and promote transformation, so as to concentrate efforts to work conscientiously, achieving comprehensive improvements in scale, quality and efficiency. More >

          Board composition

          The board of directors shall exercise the following functions and powers according to law:

          ?To convene the general meeting of shareholders and report to the general meeting of shareholders;
          ?Implement the resolutions of the general meeting of shareholders;
          ?Formulate the company's strategic development plan; To decide on the company's business plan and investment plan, and the annual specific plan shall be……
          More >

          Special Committee of the Board

          The board of directors has established a strategic decision-making committee, a risk management and internal control committee, a connected transaction control committee, an audit committee, a Remuneration Committee and a nomination committee, and delegated various responsibilities to these committees to assist the board of directors in performing its duties and supervising specific aspects of the group's activities. More >

          Supervisors composition

          The Company shall have a Board of Supervisors, which is a supervisory organ of the Company accountable to the Shareholders' general meeting and monitoring the behaviors of the senior management members such as the financial controllers, directors and President so as to prevent them from abusing their powers and infringing the interests of Shareholders.

          Employee representative supervisors shall be elected, replaced or dismissed through democratic procedures such as the meetings of employees' representatives. External supervisors shall be nominated by the Board of Supervisors or shareholders who separately or jointly hold 1% or more of the shares of the Company with voting rights, and elected, replaced or dismissed by the Shareholders' general meeting.

          Members of the board of supervisors

          Employeer Representative Supervisor

          Employee Representative tative Supervisor

          External Employee represen tativeSupervisor

          Senior management
          Jin TaoActing President
          Li JungangVice President
          Liao YazhongVice President
          Wu Bo Vice President
          Huang MinVice President
          Liu YiSecretary of the Board
          Corporate governance system
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