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          Aircraft Leasing

          CDB Leasing is mainly engaged in the acquisition,leasing, management and disposal of commercial aircraft.


          Aircraft Leasing

          CDB Leasing is mainly engaged in the acquisition,leasing, management and disposal of commercial aircraft.

          Regional Development Leasing

          CDB Leasing is mainly engaged in the leasing of urban and transportation facilities and key industrial equipment developed in service region supported by national policies.


          Regional Development Leasing

          CDB Leasing is mainly engaged in the leasing of urban and transportation facilities and key industrial equipment developed in service region supported by national policies.

          Ship Leasing

          CDB Leasing is mainly engaged in the leasing of ships.


          Ship Leasing

          CDB Leasing is mainly engaged in the leasing of ships.

          Inclusive Finance

          The Company serves medium, small and micro-enterprises and individuals with vehicle leasing and engineering machinery leasing services.


          Inclusive Finance

          The Company serves medium, small and micro-enterprises and individuals with vehicle leasing and engineering machinery leasing services.

          Green Energy and High-end Equipment Leasing

          CDB Leasing is mainly engaged in the leasing of energy infrastructure and high-end equipment.


          Green Energy and High-end Equipment Leasing

          CDB Leasing is mainly engaged in the leasing of energy infrastructure and high-end equipment.


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