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          Total Assets Revenue Net profit ROE/ROA Non-performing asset ratio Provision coverage ratio
          STOCK INFORMATION(As of December 31, 2023)

          Historical dividend distributions

          Ex-dividend date of A-shares and H shares: 2023.06.30

          Distribution scheme:cash dividends of RMB 0.07952 (before tax) per share

          Dividend ratio: 30%


          Ex-dividend date of A-shares and H shares: 2022.06.30

          Distribution scheme:cash dividends of RMB 0.09307 (before tax) per share

          Dividend ratio: 30%


          Ex-dividend date of A-shares and H shares: 2021.07.02

          Distribution scheme:cash dividends of RMB 0.07756 (before tax) per share

          Dividend ratio: 30%


          Ex-dividend date of A-shares and H shares: 2020.07.16

          Distribution scheme:cash dividends of RMB 0.10458 (before tax) per share

          Dividend ratio: 45%


          Ex-dividend date of A-shares and H shares: 2019.07.03

          Distribution scheme:cash dividends of RMB 0.08923 (before tax) per share

          Dividend ratio: 45%


          Ex-dividend date of A-shares and H shares: 2018.06.04

          Distribution scheme:cash dividends of RMB 0.07585 (before tax) per share

          Dividend ratio: 45%


          Ex-dividend date of A-shares and H shares: 2017.06.02

          Distribution scheme:cash dividends of RMB 0.05560 (before tax) per share

          Dividend ratio: 40%

          Domestic shares

          Number of shares:


          Proportion in total share capital issued:


          H shares

          Number of shares:


          Proportion in total share capital issued:


          Total share capital

          Number of shares:


          Proportion in total share capital issued:



          Register information

          Company Name: China Development Bank Financial Leasing CO., LTD.

          Stock code: 1606.HK

          Registered capital: 12,642,380,000 RMB

          Company Address: CDB Financial Center Building, FuZhong 3rd Road, Futian District, Shenzhen, PRC

          Top Ten Shareholders(As of December 31, 2023)
          • No. Name Class of Shares Number of Shares Percentage in Total
          • 1 8,141,332,869 64.40%
          • 2 795,625,000 6.29%
          • 3 687,024,000 5.43%
          • 4 619,476,000 4.90%
          • 5 561,672,000 4.44%
          • 6 508,222,000 4.02%
          • 7 193,746,000 1.53%
          • 8 154,000,000 1.22%
          • 9 148,737,069 1.18%
          • 10 104,070,000 0.82%
          INVESTOR Q&A

          What should I do if I want to handle share transfer, transfer of title, change of address, share loss report, dividend warrant and any other things related to your shares?

          Shareholders who want to enquire about the H-shares they hold such as share transfer, transfer of title, change of address or share loss report may contact our securities registration institution—Computershare Hong Kong Investor Services Ltd. (Address: 17M Floor, Hopewell Center, 183 Queens Road East, Wan Chai, Hong Kong; Tel.: (852) 2862 8555; Fax: (852) 2865 0990).

          How can I access the Company’s performance reports?

          You may view the “Regular Reports” section of the Investor Relations page or check the website of HKEX (www.hkexnews.hk).

          When does the Company publicize its business performance?

          The Company will publicize annual report of each financial year as of December 31 of the year (inclusive) and interim report as of June 30 (inclusive). As for specific date, please refer to the “Regular Reports” section of the Investor Relations page.

          What is the quantity of public float?

          According to data available, our public float does not exceed 35% of the total shares issued.

          Does the Company distribute dividends?

          The Company has announced period-end distribution of dividends for each and every financial year from its listing up till now. Please check the annual reports for details.

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